The Interpretation of Dreams T

ObeyIf you dream you find yourself like a man who adhere to religion, meaningfulyouth living will for you to get it. Dream obedient and loyal to the wife / husband,marked with your rank and position will rise. Dream obey state laws,marked what has been done will be successful even if a bit long.
Tai / StoolsIf you dream a lot to see tai in the house, marked with a profit will come.
FearIf you dream of fame when a dream gets to walk on the bridge with fearall.
RopeIf you dream of rope tied to any one means to destroy you andwant what you have.
ParkIf you dream of being in the garden or flower garden, full of meaningful lifehappiness and joy.
OutingIf you dream of an excursion or picnic with a spouse / partner, there can be no meaningfulperceived difficulties for unmarried.
GuestIf you dreamed guests, marked life without ever lonely.
GroundDreams of seeing a sudden burst of land split, meaning you will be sick, dream workland leveling, bersirat will be free from trouble. Digging the soil, there would be uproar and markedground noise and dream sleep will get promoted. Your dream buried in the ground, will significantlyhave riches.
SignIf you dream of the eye marked, meaning you will get no joyunpredictable.
DrumIf you dream of looking drum, meaning there will be guests who come from far away.
HandIf you dream to see beautiful hands, you will be marked with an artistic talent, if the dream handstrong, you would include meaningful political experts.
LadderIf you dream of dreams falling from a ladder, you've saved a fortune in a meaningfultrade. Or trust will be lost.
CryIf you dream of crying, marked would be difficult or painful.
FarmerIf you dream of the farmers, would mean cheaper food
TeaIf you dream of drinking tea, meaning good luck in the matter of trade, while the dreampour tea from a cup, bersirat misfortune ..
FlyIf you dream of flying an airplane, marked with an invitation to come callingbecause you have special advantages that are very valuable. If you see a dream boatsignificant flight will be successful in business. Yourself if you're flying, it means youwill get an experience / knowledge is very useful for those of you who can helplife or your career.
EggsIf you dream of eating eggs, will be marked with sustenance. If your wife is pregnant willimmediately get the boys. And dreams of seeing the egg marked the arrival of large hard.
ShootIf you dream of shooting birds and animals and meaningful contact with the target youwill be successful in trading. Dreams heard gunshots (boom) guns, will significantlyreceive a surprise khabar. If you dream of shooting man, be markedgreat fortune, are you shot people, less well marked you will be sick sickly.
SinkIf you dream of drowning in the sea or the time, meaning you have to examine your financesin a short time (there are problems with finances). If only dream of drowning inwater means you'll get a slander of the people you know old and new.
EmbroilmentIf you dream of a husband and wife quarreled, meaningful body experience discomfort.
ShoutIf you dream of shouting over the bridge, the victory will mean you can evena relatively large case.
On fireDream to see the house on fire, meaning in your dreams going forward.
LaughIf you dream of laughing, means you will be overwritten sorrow or pain.
SanctuaryIf you dream to see the holy sites, meaning you will get benefitsnot measurable.
SleepIf you dream of sleeping with a woman not his wife, meaningful gift of your life is not known.Dream sleep, bersirat will be able to affect a major figure. Whilediperahu dream sleep, the address is not good.
MatIf you dream of buying mats or rugs, significant work will still be nice and smooth.While the mat torn, bertafsir setback.
RatIf you dream to see the mice on the road, will be helped significantly by the righteous.Dreams of seeing a mouse run, will receive meaningful khabar happy.
InkIf you dream to see the ink, there will bertafsir who think you are wrong.
RepentanceIf you dream of repentance to Allah, will continue to live meaningful and healthy because of circumstanceswill help you a lot.
StoreIf you dream of working disebuah stores, your life is simple but meaningful content.
TomatoesIf you dream of eating tomatoes, meaningful will come when joy after work this year.
VatIf you dream to see vat, will live in meaningful work. While looking tongempty, there will be a setback bersirat once.
CapIf you dream of wearing a cap, meaning the position you will be getting better.Dreamlose the cap means there is something missing from your home.
Hold-up manIf you dream of a gun pistol meaningful, will make progress in all respects.
TrumpetIf you dream of hearing or seeing or being sounded the trumpet, will be meaningfulgood name.
HoodIf you dream of seeing people hooded woman, you should be more meaningful Spottingthe problems you face, it's worth asking for help to others.
CobblerIf you dream of being a shoemaker, meaningful life and your work will be superior.
LouseIf you dream of your body a lot louse (lice), will be able to benefit significantly in abetting or gambling
StickIf you dream of holding a stick enlarger, meaningful results can be unexpected.
DownIf you dream off, meaning something that would be less well done or downresults.
TribuneIf you dream of being on the football stands, meaning you will come up during the heydayone year.

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