The Interpretation of Dreams According to Al-Qur `an and Sunnah

The Interpretation of Dreams According to Al-Qur `an and Sunnah

Cleric Abu Sa'ad al-Wa'izh said, "In principle a good dream that comes from
correct a variety of charitable and reminiscent of the effect of various miscellaneous matters. Of dreams
well it comes a variety of command, prohibition, glad tidings, and warning. It was said,
because it is a good dream, and the remaining part of the prophetic, even he is one of two
the prophetic, because there is a revelation of the prophet dream. People who receive revelation
a dream called the Prophet. The person receiving the greeting angel when he was awake so-called
Apostle. This is what distinguishes between the prophets and apostles. "

Abu Ali Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hamid al-`Rafa told us, from
Muhammad Ibn-Mughirah, from Makki bin Ibrahim, from Hisham ibn Hasan, from Muhammad bin
Sirin, from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said,

"If the time draws near, the dream of a Muslim almost never lie. Muslim
truest dream is the most honest words. Dream of a believer is
one part of the 46 part of prophecy. There are three kinds of dreams: the dream is good as the news
joy of God 'Almighty, dreams experienced by a Muslim himself, and
sad dream from the devil. If one of you had a dream that
not like, do not tell it to others, build, and Pray. "
(Agreed alaih)

He said,
"I love the dream happenings chain, but not like a dream happenings shackles." (Sahih al-
Jami ') Chain ditakwilkan with firmness in the faith.

Abu Abdullah al-Muhammad ibn Ya'qub Mahlabi and son Yusuf told us
of al-'Abbas Ibn-Walid bin Mazid, from' Uqbah ibn al-Mu'arifi Alqamah, from al-Auza'i, from
Yahya bin Abi Katheer, of Abi Salamah bin Abdurrahman, from 'Ubadah ibnush-Samit that he
asked the Prophet about 63-63 verses Sura Yunus

 "That those who believe and
they are always cautious. For them the good news in the life of the world and in
life in the hereafter. "So, the Prophet replied,
"What you have to ask me something that has never been asked by
selainmu one. Al-Busyra good dream which is experienced by a person or
God bestowed on him. "(As-Silsilah al-Saheehah)

Cleric Abu Sa'ad said, "The ahaadeeth which indicate that we riwayatkan
the dream is something that is substantially correct and that the dream has a provision
and impact. "

Among the evidence that shows the truth of dreams is that while Abraham slept, God
showed him as if he slew his son. After waking, he was
carry out what he was told during sleep. Allah Almighty recounts

"And when the child reaches the ability strive together Ibrahim, Ibrahim
said, 'My son, I have seen in a dream that I sacrifice. Then,
think about what you think! 'He replied,' O father, what you are commanded
thee, God willing, you will find me among those who wait. '"(ash-Shaaffat:

After Ibrahim a.s. understand his dream and trying to execute it, then God
give him a way out because of his affection, he knows that the dream is
the law. Similarly, as a dream experienced by Yusuf, who told God in
Al-Qur `an as the story of the popular and famous.

Abu Sa'id Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim narrated to us from Ali bin
Muhammad al-Waraq, from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Nasr, the son of Joseph Bilal, dariMuhammad
Marwan ibn al-Kalbi, from Abu Salih from Ibn Abbas that Aisha said, "Messenger of exposed
magic. So, he got sick, so we worry. When he was between sleeping
and awake, suddenly dropped two angels: one is near the head of the Prophet and the other
near his feet. Angels who are near the head said to the angels who are
feet, 'Why is he sick?' The angel said to the Prophet so. understand

His friend replied, 'Hit by magic.'
'Who did it?'
'Lubaid bin A'sham, the Jews.'
'Where did he do it?'
'In Dzarwan well.'
'How to treat it?'

'Send the people to the water well and pat dry. If it seems a large rock,
take them away because at the bottom there is a berpintal bowstring eleven and placed in the
bag. After that burn it. Insha Allah cured him. If he told people, he should
remove the bag. '"

Ibn Abbas continued, "The Prophet got up and he has understood what is said
to him by an angel. He told 'Ammar bin Yasir and a group of friends to the well
such that the water has changed as henna. Then the well dried. Having looked a stone
great, he was deposed, and behold, underneath the bag containing rope knotted bow
eleven. Then they took him to the Prophet.

So, come down surah al-Falaq and surahan-Naas. The second consists of 11 chapters and verses equal to the number of knots, amounting to 11 anyway. Every time he read a verse, lepaslah one knot. After all buhulnya open,

Prophet can arise and as if detached from the bond. Knots that were burned. The Prophet sent
we seek refuge in God through these two chapters. Lubaid visit the Prophet.
Even though he was telling the above, in the face Lubaid not seem to change anything. "
The above hadith shows the truth of the issue of dreams and presence in many
hadith, so too long to tell.

Cleric Abu Sa'ad said, "I see that science is made up of several types, in
some of which are beneficial to the world, but no benefit to religion, there is a useful
for the world and religion. Including the science of dreams that are beneficial to the world of science and religion.
Then I pray istikharah before collecting the things of God and take
peringkasan methods while asking him for help in refining what
blessed and loved him. Also take refuge in him from his exams and slander. God Owner
Taufik. Suffice He is to us. He is the best protector. "

Cleric Abu Sa'ad said, "People need to enforce the order of politeness to his dream of approaching
truth. Among civilized decency that is used to tell the truth. The Prophet said in
alaih muttafaq hadith, 'The dream is true that most of the right words.' "
Adab other is sleeping with a ablution.

 Abu Dhar said, "My love (Muhammad peace be upon him.) Gave me three messages that never left me for dead. Ie, fasting
three days in each month, two rak'ahs prayed the dawn, and did not sleep but had ablution. "So
narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.

Adab other is asleep by lying to the right side of the body because the Holy Prophet. like
the right in every respect. It is reported that he slept on his right side while
put his right hand under the right cheek, and prayed,
"O Allah, protect me from thy doom upon thee gather slaves
You. "(Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)

Divided into two dreams: a dream come true and a vanity. The true dream is experienced
balanced when the human psychological condition and the weather being as indicated by
bergoyangnya berjatuhannya trees until foliage. Dreams that really is not preceded by
the mind and the desire for something that later appeared in a dream. The truth of dreams
also not tainted by the events junub and menstruation.

The dream that vanity is posed by the whisper of lust, desire, and desire.
Thus a dream can not ditakwilkan. Similarly, a dream "wet" and other dreams
categorized as requiring dream bathroom vanity because it contains no meaning.Same
As with nightmares and distressing because it comes from the devil. Allah Ta'ala

"Indeed it is the secret talks of the devil, so that people who believe
that mourn, Nor is it gives pembicarana slightest harm to them,
except with the permission of Allah and to Allah should the believers put their trust. "
(Al-Mujaadilah: 10)

If someone had a dream that is not preferred, Sunnah perform five
deed. That is, changing the sleep position, spit to the left three times, begging protection
to God from the accursed Satan's temptation, get up and pray, and do not tell a dream
to anyone.

Cleric Abu Sa'ad said, "Actors should nurture a dream of ethics that need to be held
firm and have boundaries that should not be exceeded. Similarly, the
pentakwil. "

Ethics actors dream is, first, he was not telling a dream to people who hasud
as it is said to Yusuf Ya'qub,

"His father said, 'My son, do not you tell your dreams to saudarasaudaramu,
then they will make a plot to membinasakanmu. '"(Yusuf: 5)
Second, do not tell the dream to the ignorant. Prophet. said,
"Do not tell your dream except to a loved one or to the people
who are good at. "

Third, do not tell the dream except in secret because he was seen
in secret as well. Do not tell the children and women. Should the dream
told before the beginning of the year and in the morning, not after they pass.
The ethics pentakwil is as follows.
First, when his brother told him the dream, then say, "I think
it's a good dream. "

Second, should menakwilkan dreams in the most good. It is reported that
Prophet. said, "The dreams will come as he ditakwilkan." also reported that
he said, "It was like hanging over the foot has not been disclosed. If it has been
disclosed, it happens. "So that was called in as-genealogy-Saheehah ash.
Third, listen to good dream, then answer the questioner with an answer
are easy to understand.

Fourth, do not be hasty menakwilkan dream. Do it carefully.
Fifth, do not hide the dream and pass it because it is a mandate.
Do menakwilkan dream when the sun rises, when it slipped, and when it goes down.
Sixth, treat players differently dreams. Let not the king's dream menakwilkan
like a dream menakwilkan people, because the dream is different for different conditions of the culprit.
Seventh, reflecting on the dream presented to him.

If your dream is good, then takwilkanlah and Convey glad tidings to the culprit before the dream ditakwilkan.

If it's bad dream, then do not menakwillkannya or takwilkanlah the dream
its interpretation is best. If some dreams are good and some bad,
then compare the two, then take the dreams of the most appropriate and most powerful essence. If
pentakwil having difficulty, ask the actors dream particulars name, then takwilkannya
based on his name.

This brief exposure to a rich enough for people who want to meditate and look at
meaning. Even if we expose it at length, will undoubtedly lead to boredom
and boredom. We hope in Allah Ta'ala this book would be useful for us and would
He protects us from useless knowledge, which is never satisfied stomach, appetite
would not submit, that prayer is not accepted, which dragged the nature of greed, and greed
that never ends. Verily Allah has power over all of the desired-
His, as well as the Supreme conduct

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