The Interpretation of Dreams (Courant 1)
AshOften thought of seeing the ashes = masalalu.
AfricaLooking at the continent of Africa = There is the potential of you that have not been explored, your future will be brighterthan masalalu.
Agar-agarMaking agar-agar with joy = Akan visiting friends or relatives.Making agar-agar with heart chaotic ='ll fight with your friends or relatives.Eating gelatin ='ll get a lot of pleasant surprises.
WaterSwimming in the ocean or a quiet pond = Life is in stable condition.Located in a quiet pool of water but from the bottom there is a strong vortex = There are difficulties in disguise.See a very swift river water = emotions are so out of control.Being in the middle of fast-flowing muddy river = Threatened by something, perhaps by the work loador a complicated affair.Crossing the river = There will be a big change in your life.Bathing or drinking from the spring = Change to a better direction, the end of the hardships of life. Ifin kesuliatn would anyone come to help.Drinking dirty water = Esophageal severe disease.Sink = You're under pressure and need to get out of that situation.Shower and clean themselves seriously = heart, you feel guilty.
RootSeeing Yourself root = is a strong, stable, and confident.Looking at the root bit (beetroot) = Medium feel guilty and ashamed.
AcrobatSee or play stunt = difficulties being experienced can be overcome if you put allability.
NatureA quiet walk in nature ='ll get in trouble, would fall ill, but can be cured.See the beautiful nature = Will be free from trouble.
AlarmHearing the alarm = Warning will be no danger.
Musical instrumentPlaying music while in everyday life rather than a musician = There will be an exciting changeof life.Broken strings, broken musical instruments = Warning to your health.
BibleSeeing religious scriptures = Looking for the truth, your soul thirst for the things that are essential.
AlcoholDrinking alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs = Want to escape from reality or life situationright now.
AltarLooking at the altar = Warning that we struggle to overcome the problem from becoming a victim.
AmbulanceSaw an increase of ambulance = Warning that the negligence and indiscretion will bringcatastrophe. Could be related to health.
WindThe wind blew softly, and cool = Change is good in life.Accompanied by strong winds blowing fog or dust = Experiencing considerable barriers or problemscomplicated.= Cyclone impulse to leave your current residence.Crashing into the sea breeze onshore = Anxiety about being in an environment you do not want.
RateLooking at numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, and 17 = To be lucky.
CloudLooking at the clouds = Get protection from authority.Gathering clouds and drive = Getting a lot of knowledge and wealth with their own business.
SpaceLooking at the sky = Received freedom, inspiration, and problem solving.
EarringMissing earrings = Grief will enter your life.
QueuedQueue = Patience and persistence you will bring results.
ApartmentLuxury apartments and beautiful = Increased income and family life.The apartment was dirty and dark = To be unlucky and lose a lover or money.
SwingRocking the baby in his swing = There will come a power that can be grasped.
FireSee the house on fire = There is a close relative need help.See a building on fire = There is a danger or difficulty.= Can be unfortunate fire.Going up in flames but no luck so = Can.Saw a small fire in the stove = sign of satisfaction, has done something well and correctly.Rekindle the fire with a match = will undergo a romantic adventure.Control the fire = Successfully overcoming obstacles in life.
CharcoalSee charcoal = cues to forget the past.
ArgumentationArguments = Warning to think before acting.Arguments with people they already know = you want an argument with him butdo not dare.
AsiaLooking at the continent of Asia = There is pent-up properties, there are surprises to come.
AstronautsSeeing or becoming an astronaut = The drive to find the variation in life.
AtomAtom = Cues to see more attention to the core of a problem than the trivial things.
AustraliaLooking at the continent of Australia = There will be a new beginning a better signal to forget the past andmore look to the future.
CloudSeeing Yourself = white cloud full of positive things.Seeing Yourself = black cloud full of negative things.Seeing red = cloud will see the area being affected.Seeing the dark cloud = The situation you will be at an impasse.The cloud fell to earth = To be able to buy something to be desired.
LanguageMeet the foreign language = it difficult to understand one's actions.
HazardHelping people from harm ='s going well for you as your personal good as well.Thus in danger of slipping position = To feel the life that makes it difficult orpathetic.Avoidance of danger = To be prepared to face many difficulties.
BalletBallet dancing attitude = need to be careful and calculating in the act.= To see ballet dancers have the opportunity to enjoy things more fun inin this life.
BuildingMoving house = There is a change in lifestyle.Being in a big palace = Ambition You will be achieved.Rearranging the furniture = Want to change attitudes and beliefs themselves.Got to see the door open = new opportunities.Private saw mills = Symbolize your diligent.Looking at houses of worship = Symbolizes faith and high ideals.
BanyanClimb a tall and big banyan = Will get a child who brings good luck.
KneelKneeling = Warning that you respect someone.
ShoutShouted the priest ='ll get something valuable in life.Yelling at the top of a bridge = To be able to solve problems easily suatau once.Shouted men dressed in white = will experience severe pain.Shouted for people who have gone = To be parting with a friend who was leavingwander.
BearSeeing a bear = There are competitors in getting one's love.Chased a bear = financial loss in business.Seeing the bear was climbing = Symbolizing the decision is yours.Killing a bear = Victory over the opponent.
GrayGray = Akan longevity.Gray at the head of the front = Will get in trouble.
CerealsLooking at the grain = To a large profit.
BusBeing in a bus accident = Frustration because of financial problems.
BallPlaying football = good news will be soon.Watch a football game = alert so you should forget shyness and have fun.Visible gold ball = symbolizes the nature of understanding and wisdom.
HandcuffsSee handcuffs = Akan sick.Handcuffed = To be attacked by the enemy.Another person who was handcuffed = To beat the enemy.
BaldBeing bald = health worsened.See the bald = alert to be calm.
FruitReceive a fresh apple from someone = Getting love.Apple gets ripe = Getting a financial award.Got a young apple and sour = Being in uncomfortable situations, losing something by mistakeown.The fall of an apple and ate = Getting the wealth of the business over the years.Apricot = To be lucky.Ara = To be able to enlighten the soul.Cherry = There is a romantic temptation that can cause problems.Strawberry = masalalu cues in order to forget.Pear = There is a rumor.Melon = bad situation that previously would improve.Carrots = There is money or unexpected temptation.Assorted fruit in a large plate = To be suddenly rich.
ArcLooking at the bow without arrows = Must be doing something no longer be delayed.
Clothes= Has good wear feeling pretty pleased with yourself.Wear clothes that are not buttoned = hidden sexual appetite.
BabyBirth = Something that will end up either being sought.Hurried up from the dream before seeing the baby = Better be careful because there is somethinglacking or missing in the big plan is being designed.Looking at the figure of a child = must ask themselves whether the often selfish and indifferent to theother.
ToiletUrinating or defecating = I have something to be disposed of in this life.Was relieved after a bowel movement = difficulties being faced will soon disappear.Still feel a lump = Problem is still there in the long term.
HillDown the hill = alert to be careful not to lose ground.
BookSee the books closed = cues that you can learn from masalalu.Seeing an open book = The problem you face is you can handle yourself without the need for assistanceother people.
MonthSeeing the moon in the form of normal = To be successful in romance and finance.Seeing the moon in the form of odd = To be disappointed and betrayed spouse.Meihat moon does not shine = Akan had a grim life.See the eclipse of the moon = Will meet up with friends who have the disease.Looking at the full moon = To be fortunate in all attempts.Looking at the moon fell to earth = Akan lucky.Months covered by clouds = To be hard or fail.
EarthSeeing the earth = Moderate to develop the feminine side.
InterestThe flowers are blooming in the garden = Reminded to enjoy life more.Wilted or damaged flowers eaten by caterpillars = sense of regret, a sign of danger.= Beautiful flower arrangement with social relationships / love is very goodFlower arrangement with bad = There is something that needs to be fixed in the social relationships / love.The orchid = There is a deep sense of love.Carnations = Akan enlightened soul.= Rose symbolizes happiness, contentment, and freshness which are all freebe temporary.= Jasmine symbolizes healing and feminine traits.= Represents financial dahlias.
BirdSeeing an eagle = Expecting a victory in a competition.Saw an eagle fly = Work will be successful.Eagle flying high above his head = curiosity to uncover a problem.You'll see egrets = misspoke.See canary = Will run a business.See canary sing = Will come for romantic moments.See canary chirp = There will be no danger.See turtledove male = Will be boys.See the white dove = your household will be happy.Holding a dove = Akan received the news.Pigeon perched on the window = There will be a romantic love affair.Beo = Do not over promises and words.Peacock = confidence over content without truly adequate.
LightSaw a strange light in the sky = To be stressful.Seeing a snake or other reptiles glow = Akan face tough enemies.Seeing the light smoke = merchandise will sell quickly.
CupWater seeping from the cup / glass is cracked = There is a secret accidentally revealed in front of thea lot.
Ring= Want to get the ring and ready to go to a more serious relationship.
MirrorMirror, tanpak more beautiful, and admire yourself ='s been satisfied with the appearance of self infront of others.Reflecting on his face while using tatarias = While trying to cover up the mistakes of others.
DustCleaning the dust = Difficulties experienced only temporary.See a cloud of dust = There will come the difficulties that are difficult to be completed.
ColdChills 1 = At bed time it was cold so carried away dream.2 = Requires cold feeling safe and protected.
DanceDance = Medium planned activities other than normal and will likelymngubah overall lifestyle.
PrayerPray = There ideals are not met.
WalletFind an empty wallet = Akan received the news that actually want to be forgotten.Found a wallet containing a lot = To get happiness.Being given a wallet = tasks that require precision and alertness.Lost wallet = Missing self-esteem and confidence, disappointment, worry about financial problems.Rediscovering a lost wallet = Money will come suddenly in unexpected ways.
DramaWatch a movie or drama = alert so that we can learn from the experience masalalu.
TailLooking at the tail = Akan have caused harm himself.Seeing the growth of tail = Akan crash unless willing to change.
IceLook around the ice or ice buried = there something you want presented in front of the coupleor co-workers.See icebergs nodes = To give or receive an engagement ring.A block of ice melted = severe problems have been resolved bit by bit.Walking on ice with fear = There are dangerous things in life that need to be changed if it does not wantslipping.
GoldDigging for gold or gold mine = Want to find the treasure as much as possible and not satisfiedwith what has been obtained.
PhotoView photos / painting yourself = Moderate trying to map the journey of life.
SaltSalted meat = debt will begin to cost you.
DarkAlone in a dark room = 1. There is something that is being eagerly awaited in life.2. Businessthat has not shown results. 3. Sense of wonder because of the attitude of a friend.When running suddenly lost due to darkness = Must be looking for people who canhelp solve the problem.
ToothToothache, broken teeth, or loose teeth = Moderate confidence crisis.Go to the dentist = Medium feel depressed because of what somebody.
ForkLooking at the fork and spoon together = Moderate trying to balance the feminine and masculinein themselves.Looks just the fork = Moderate tried examining the core of a problem.Just look spoons = Moderate to see an irregularity in the issue.
GhostDisturbed ghosts or other creepy figures = In everyday life are being felt troubled bysomething.
DishDishes lined up on the table = the desire to have something beautiful and special.
LightningLightning cracked = Never have done something wrong in the past. The dream appears towarned him not to repeat the same legality in the near future.
HaiwanSee lambs = Prompts that you are more willing to sacrifice for the sake of others.Being a lamb = attitude of self-sacrifice you abused someone else.View or a kitten = There is a girlishness in which has not been recognized.Seeing calf = Associated with the love of youth.Seeing the calf fat = Someone wants you for his personal use.Dogs are very tame = Has one or a few good friends in life.Dogs are hefty, but not wild = Having a strong protector.Barking dog friendly = a fun social life.Dogs barking ferociously = Will get in trouble, the lawsuit, saying it hurts.Mad dog = There will be people who mess up your business.Bulldog = you're feeling threatened and need protection.Rooster = Eroticism buried.Roosters crow in the morning = There is something to be aware of yourself.Black = hen cues to exert every effort to achieve goals.Hen white = success will be achieved.Chickens lay eggs = To be able to benefit from the effort so far.Maintaining chicks = trouble would have derived from the provision held.Chickens stolen = Getting grief.Hen was hatching eggs = Will get a positive thing.Chickens flew into the tree = Getting large amounts of money.Feed the chickens male or female = Akan have a child.See a pig = you're hating someone.= To be lucky to cut pork.See the carcass of a pig = health conditions will decline.See eels die = you can defeat the enemy.See the eel in clear water and lots of luck = Akan sustenance.Bees fly buzzing = There are advantages in the business.= Black cat will get happiness.Black cat scratched you = There is an enemy of women.Stroking a cat = Moderate crave love.Insects = Symbolizes insult or bad luck.Kangaroo = The ability to anticipate the situation improving.Kangaroos hopping = Will do a trip.Attacked by a kangaroo = false accusations will damage your reputation.Seeing the same person known kangaroo = person difficult to understand because like fickle.Surrounded by crocodiles = Forced to choose one bad thing among other bad things.Maintaining crocodile = The good control of a problem.Crocodiles in the house = Akan lucky.About the elephant = Generally symbolizes the fun stuff.Tigers go home = Akan difficult.Fish swim = Generally symbolize things that are fun.Carp swim = There you are mistaken actions.Fish fly = Your efforts will have kemunduruan.Fish that are dead = sign disappointments.Smelly fish = good financial news.About bunnies = Generally symbolizes the fun stuff.Seeing a herd of cattle = Cues to develop the potential of self that had been closed and the signso also pay attention to self-interest.Centipedes crawling towards you = Moderate assessed opposite sex.Bitten by a centipede big = There is a temptation of the opposite sex, will be a long life.See ass = warning not to be stupid.Buy a donkey = Not able to solve the problem.See skinny ass = Your efforts will go bankrupt.Ride a donkey = To be successful in business or career.See monkeys = Akan disturbed person.Bitten by a monkey = Nervous because masalalu that suddenly appeared again.Buffalo out of the house = To be unlucky or loss in any work done.Buy a buffalo = Akan living.Maintaining horse in the house = will have a son who is very wise.Buying a lot of horses = Successfully complete a task.Looking at the big bee = There may be unexpected enemies appear.See hordes of bees = sign success or fortune.= To be lucky to see the dragon.Chased the dragon = To be lucky.Chased and attacked the dragon = adverse events will appear in your life.Seeing her put to sleep the dragon = There is the potential of you that are still buried.Colorful snake = will be unexpected happiness.Dancing with a snake = you will experience a chaotic romance.Seeing the snake skin = To be lucky.Chased or bitten by a snake = Loved one.= To be able to play snake sympathy of the opposite sex.Snake in the house = There will be a fun guest.
AshOften thought of seeing the ashes = masalalu.
AfricaLooking at the continent of Africa = There is the potential of you that have not been explored, your future will be brighterthan masalalu.
Agar-agarMaking agar-agar with joy = Akan visiting friends or relatives.Making agar-agar with heart chaotic ='ll fight with your friends or relatives.Eating gelatin ='ll get a lot of pleasant surprises.
WaterSwimming in the ocean or a quiet pond = Life is in stable condition.Located in a quiet pool of water but from the bottom there is a strong vortex = There are difficulties in disguise.See a very swift river water = emotions are so out of control.Being in the middle of fast-flowing muddy river = Threatened by something, perhaps by the work loador a complicated affair.Crossing the river = There will be a big change in your life.Bathing or drinking from the spring = Change to a better direction, the end of the hardships of life. Ifin kesuliatn would anyone come to help.Drinking dirty water = Esophageal severe disease.Sink = You're under pressure and need to get out of that situation.Shower and clean themselves seriously = heart, you feel guilty.
RootSeeing Yourself root = is a strong, stable, and confident.Looking at the root bit (beetroot) = Medium feel guilty and ashamed.
AcrobatSee or play stunt = difficulties being experienced can be overcome if you put allability.
NatureA quiet walk in nature ='ll get in trouble, would fall ill, but can be cured.See the beautiful nature = Will be free from trouble.
AlarmHearing the alarm = Warning will be no danger.
Musical instrumentPlaying music while in everyday life rather than a musician = There will be an exciting changeof life.Broken strings, broken musical instruments = Warning to your health.
BibleSeeing religious scriptures = Looking for the truth, your soul thirst for the things that are essential.
AlcoholDrinking alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs = Want to escape from reality or life situationright now.
AltarLooking at the altar = Warning that we struggle to overcome the problem from becoming a victim.
AmbulanceSaw an increase of ambulance = Warning that the negligence and indiscretion will bringcatastrophe. Could be related to health.
WindThe wind blew softly, and cool = Change is good in life.Accompanied by strong winds blowing fog or dust = Experiencing considerable barriers or problemscomplicated.= Cyclone impulse to leave your current residence.Crashing into the sea breeze onshore = Anxiety about being in an environment you do not want.
RateLooking at numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, and 17 = To be lucky.
CloudLooking at the clouds = Get protection from authority.Gathering clouds and drive = Getting a lot of knowledge and wealth with their own business.
SpaceLooking at the sky = Received freedom, inspiration, and problem solving.
EarringMissing earrings = Grief will enter your life.
QueuedQueue = Patience and persistence you will bring results.
ApartmentLuxury apartments and beautiful = Increased income and family life.The apartment was dirty and dark = To be unlucky and lose a lover or money.
SwingRocking the baby in his swing = There will come a power that can be grasped.
FireSee the house on fire = There is a close relative need help.See a building on fire = There is a danger or difficulty.= Can be unfortunate fire.Going up in flames but no luck so = Can.Saw a small fire in the stove = sign of satisfaction, has done something well and correctly.Rekindle the fire with a match = will undergo a romantic adventure.Control the fire = Successfully overcoming obstacles in life.
CharcoalSee charcoal = cues to forget the past.
ArgumentationArguments = Warning to think before acting.Arguments with people they already know = you want an argument with him butdo not dare.
AsiaLooking at the continent of Asia = There is pent-up properties, there are surprises to come.
AstronautsSeeing or becoming an astronaut = The drive to find the variation in life.
AtomAtom = Cues to see more attention to the core of a problem than the trivial things.
AustraliaLooking at the continent of Australia = There will be a new beginning a better signal to forget the past andmore look to the future.
CloudSeeing Yourself = white cloud full of positive things.Seeing Yourself = black cloud full of negative things.Seeing red = cloud will see the area being affected.Seeing the dark cloud = The situation you will be at an impasse.The cloud fell to earth = To be able to buy something to be desired.
LanguageMeet the foreign language = it difficult to understand one's actions.
HazardHelping people from harm ='s going well for you as your personal good as well.Thus in danger of slipping position = To feel the life that makes it difficult orpathetic.Avoidance of danger = To be prepared to face many difficulties.
BalletBallet dancing attitude = need to be careful and calculating in the act.= To see ballet dancers have the opportunity to enjoy things more fun inin this life.
BuildingMoving house = There is a change in lifestyle.Being in a big palace = Ambition You will be achieved.Rearranging the furniture = Want to change attitudes and beliefs themselves.Got to see the door open = new opportunities.Private saw mills = Symbolize your diligent.Looking at houses of worship = Symbolizes faith and high ideals.
BanyanClimb a tall and big banyan = Will get a child who brings good luck.
KneelKneeling = Warning that you respect someone.
ShoutShouted the priest ='ll get something valuable in life.Yelling at the top of a bridge = To be able to solve problems easily suatau once.Shouted men dressed in white = will experience severe pain.Shouted for people who have gone = To be parting with a friend who was leavingwander.
BearSeeing a bear = There are competitors in getting one's love.Chased a bear = financial loss in business.Seeing the bear was climbing = Symbolizing the decision is yours.Killing a bear = Victory over the opponent.
GrayGray = Akan longevity.Gray at the head of the front = Will get in trouble.
CerealsLooking at the grain = To a large profit.
BusBeing in a bus accident = Frustration because of financial problems.
BallPlaying football = good news will be soon.Watch a football game = alert so you should forget shyness and have fun.Visible gold ball = symbolizes the nature of understanding and wisdom.
HandcuffsSee handcuffs = Akan sick.Handcuffed = To be attacked by the enemy.Another person who was handcuffed = To beat the enemy.
BaldBeing bald = health worsened.See the bald = alert to be calm.
FruitReceive a fresh apple from someone = Getting love.Apple gets ripe = Getting a financial award.Got a young apple and sour = Being in uncomfortable situations, losing something by mistakeown.The fall of an apple and ate = Getting the wealth of the business over the years.Apricot = To be lucky.Ara = To be able to enlighten the soul.Cherry = There is a romantic temptation that can cause problems.Strawberry = masalalu cues in order to forget.Pear = There is a rumor.Melon = bad situation that previously would improve.Carrots = There is money or unexpected temptation.Assorted fruit in a large plate = To be suddenly rich.
ArcLooking at the bow without arrows = Must be doing something no longer be delayed.
Clothes= Has good wear feeling pretty pleased with yourself.Wear clothes that are not buttoned = hidden sexual appetite.
BabyBirth = Something that will end up either being sought.Hurried up from the dream before seeing the baby = Better be careful because there is somethinglacking or missing in the big plan is being designed.Looking at the figure of a child = must ask themselves whether the often selfish and indifferent to theother.
ToiletUrinating or defecating = I have something to be disposed of in this life.Was relieved after a bowel movement = difficulties being faced will soon disappear.Still feel a lump = Problem is still there in the long term.
HillDown the hill = alert to be careful not to lose ground.
BookSee the books closed = cues that you can learn from masalalu.Seeing an open book = The problem you face is you can handle yourself without the need for assistanceother people.
MonthSeeing the moon in the form of normal = To be successful in romance and finance.Seeing the moon in the form of odd = To be disappointed and betrayed spouse.Meihat moon does not shine = Akan had a grim life.See the eclipse of the moon = Will meet up with friends who have the disease.Looking at the full moon = To be fortunate in all attempts.Looking at the moon fell to earth = Akan lucky.Months covered by clouds = To be hard or fail.
EarthSeeing the earth = Moderate to develop the feminine side.
InterestThe flowers are blooming in the garden = Reminded to enjoy life more.Wilted or damaged flowers eaten by caterpillars = sense of regret, a sign of danger.= Beautiful flower arrangement with social relationships / love is very goodFlower arrangement with bad = There is something that needs to be fixed in the social relationships / love.The orchid = There is a deep sense of love.Carnations = Akan enlightened soul.= Rose symbolizes happiness, contentment, and freshness which are all freebe temporary.= Jasmine symbolizes healing and feminine traits.= Represents financial dahlias.
BirdSeeing an eagle = Expecting a victory in a competition.Saw an eagle fly = Work will be successful.Eagle flying high above his head = curiosity to uncover a problem.You'll see egrets = misspoke.See canary = Will run a business.See canary sing = Will come for romantic moments.See canary chirp = There will be no danger.See turtledove male = Will be boys.See the white dove = your household will be happy.Holding a dove = Akan received the news.Pigeon perched on the window = There will be a romantic love affair.Beo = Do not over promises and words.Peacock = confidence over content without truly adequate.
LightSaw a strange light in the sky = To be stressful.Seeing a snake or other reptiles glow = Akan face tough enemies.Seeing the light smoke = merchandise will sell quickly.
CupWater seeping from the cup / glass is cracked = There is a secret accidentally revealed in front of thea lot.
Ring= Want to get the ring and ready to go to a more serious relationship.
MirrorMirror, tanpak more beautiful, and admire yourself ='s been satisfied with the appearance of self infront of others.Reflecting on his face while using tatarias = While trying to cover up the mistakes of others.
DustCleaning the dust = Difficulties experienced only temporary.See a cloud of dust = There will come the difficulties that are difficult to be completed.
ColdChills 1 = At bed time it was cold so carried away dream.2 = Requires cold feeling safe and protected.
DanceDance = Medium planned activities other than normal and will likelymngubah overall lifestyle.
PrayerPray = There ideals are not met.
WalletFind an empty wallet = Akan received the news that actually want to be forgotten.Found a wallet containing a lot = To get happiness.Being given a wallet = tasks that require precision and alertness.Lost wallet = Missing self-esteem and confidence, disappointment, worry about financial problems.Rediscovering a lost wallet = Money will come suddenly in unexpected ways.
DramaWatch a movie or drama = alert so that we can learn from the experience masalalu.
TailLooking at the tail = Akan have caused harm himself.Seeing the growth of tail = Akan crash unless willing to change.
IceLook around the ice or ice buried = there something you want presented in front of the coupleor co-workers.See icebergs nodes = To give or receive an engagement ring.A block of ice melted = severe problems have been resolved bit by bit.Walking on ice with fear = There are dangerous things in life that need to be changed if it does not wantslipping.
GoldDigging for gold or gold mine = Want to find the treasure as much as possible and not satisfiedwith what has been obtained.
PhotoView photos / painting yourself = Moderate trying to map the journey of life.
SaltSalted meat = debt will begin to cost you.
DarkAlone in a dark room = 1. There is something that is being eagerly awaited in life.2. Businessthat has not shown results. 3. Sense of wonder because of the attitude of a friend.When running suddenly lost due to darkness = Must be looking for people who canhelp solve the problem.
ToothToothache, broken teeth, or loose teeth = Moderate confidence crisis.Go to the dentist = Medium feel depressed because of what somebody.
ForkLooking at the fork and spoon together = Moderate trying to balance the feminine and masculinein themselves.Looks just the fork = Moderate tried examining the core of a problem.Just look spoons = Moderate to see an irregularity in the issue.
GhostDisturbed ghosts or other creepy figures = In everyday life are being felt troubled bysomething.
DishDishes lined up on the table = the desire to have something beautiful and special.
LightningLightning cracked = Never have done something wrong in the past. The dream appears towarned him not to repeat the same legality in the near future.
HaiwanSee lambs = Prompts that you are more willing to sacrifice for the sake of others.Being a lamb = attitude of self-sacrifice you abused someone else.View or a kitten = There is a girlishness in which has not been recognized.Seeing calf = Associated with the love of youth.Seeing the calf fat = Someone wants you for his personal use.Dogs are very tame = Has one or a few good friends in life.Dogs are hefty, but not wild = Having a strong protector.Barking dog friendly = a fun social life.Dogs barking ferociously = Will get in trouble, the lawsuit, saying it hurts.Mad dog = There will be people who mess up your business.Bulldog = you're feeling threatened and need protection.Rooster = Eroticism buried.Roosters crow in the morning = There is something to be aware of yourself.Black = hen cues to exert every effort to achieve goals.Hen white = success will be achieved.Chickens lay eggs = To be able to benefit from the effort so far.Maintaining chicks = trouble would have derived from the provision held.Chickens stolen = Getting grief.Hen was hatching eggs = Will get a positive thing.Chickens flew into the tree = Getting large amounts of money.Feed the chickens male or female = Akan have a child.See a pig = you're hating someone.= To be lucky to cut pork.See the carcass of a pig = health conditions will decline.See eels die = you can defeat the enemy.See the eel in clear water and lots of luck = Akan sustenance.Bees fly buzzing = There are advantages in the business.= Black cat will get happiness.Black cat scratched you = There is an enemy of women.Stroking a cat = Moderate crave love.Insects = Symbolizes insult or bad luck.Kangaroo = The ability to anticipate the situation improving.Kangaroos hopping = Will do a trip.Attacked by a kangaroo = false accusations will damage your reputation.Seeing the same person known kangaroo = person difficult to understand because like fickle.Surrounded by crocodiles = Forced to choose one bad thing among other bad things.Maintaining crocodile = The good control of a problem.Crocodiles in the house = Akan lucky.About the elephant = Generally symbolizes the fun stuff.Tigers go home = Akan difficult.Fish swim = Generally symbolize things that are fun.Carp swim = There you are mistaken actions.Fish fly = Your efforts will have kemunduruan.Fish that are dead = sign disappointments.Smelly fish = good financial news.About bunnies = Generally symbolizes the fun stuff.Seeing a herd of cattle = Cues to develop the potential of self that had been closed and the signso also pay attention to self-interest.Centipedes crawling towards you = Moderate assessed opposite sex.Bitten by a centipede big = There is a temptation of the opposite sex, will be a long life.See ass = warning not to be stupid.Buy a donkey = Not able to solve the problem.See skinny ass = Your efforts will go bankrupt.Ride a donkey = To be successful in business or career.See monkeys = Akan disturbed person.Bitten by a monkey = Nervous because masalalu that suddenly appeared again.Buffalo out of the house = To be unlucky or loss in any work done.Buy a buffalo = Akan living.Maintaining horse in the house = will have a son who is very wise.Buying a lot of horses = Successfully complete a task.Looking at the big bee = There may be unexpected enemies appear.See hordes of bees = sign success or fortune.= To be lucky to see the dragon.Chased the dragon = To be lucky.Chased and attacked the dragon = adverse events will appear in your life.Seeing her put to sleep the dragon = There is the potential of you that are still buried.Colorful snake = will be unexpected happiness.Dancing with a snake = you will experience a chaotic romance.Seeing the snake skin = To be lucky.Chased or bitten by a snake = Loved one.= To be able to play snake sympathy of the opposite sex.Snake in the house = There will be a fun guest.
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