The Interpretation of Dreams B

PigIf you dream of slaughtering pigs, the address will be lucky once, and dream to see bangkaipigs are not very well marked.
AgencyIf you dream of body fat means people will be glorified and high dijujung. And ifyour body is emaciated opposite sign. Marked a bloody dream property loss will last. Andfleas out of a dream body, to address the difficulty will be entertained and for the sick will soon berecovered.
RhinoIf you dream to see rhinos, marked will have a major influence in the positionexisting social or trade lead now.
PirateIf you dream of seeing or being held by pirates, you are marked success in work andget a better offer between two jobs and a large huge benefit. Being a womanthe dream of pirates captured immediately address can marry or mate.
ClothesIf you dream of your clothes torn marked that there will be news that will be buruksekalitroubling your soul. And if you dream something you see less actionfun or would scandalize the community, you are indicating tindaktanduk inassociating less attention. Suppose you dream when someone that you like to openpakaianya (cover nakedness, such as the hijab). it means that your efforts so far in the search forattention it is futile. In conclusion the person that you like it wanted to avoidyou.
Clothes BracketsIf you dream of wearing a curly look, cheap sustenance address because you do nothesitate to seek work.
Oversized clothesIf you dream of getting your clothes will be marked with the greatness of great advantage. Andif it gets big clothes, bersirat will soon receive an unexpected benefit.
Green clothesIf you dream you marked in green have the blessing of God Almighty. Ifyou marked in white you in a position of ridicule, and when the loss of clothes pinsgrieving heart.
Shirt EmbroideryIf you dream of wearing embroidered shirts proclaim your grandchildren or nieces ananwill have the sustenance that comes on suddenly. Meanwhile, if you are dressed in torn marked allstored in the house will be known.
HazardIf you dream of in a state of danger, marked with your life so at ease immediatelyThere is damage. While helping the danger of being overwritten, you marked effecteither (just) a fellow comrade.
HappyIf you dream of happiness marked the opposite, that your life should be run more careful again(Alert) It's different if you bermimpikan happy people, is a sign that you are lovedpeople and given a decent chance.
ShadowIf your dream to see the shadow of a glass marked diair or you will get aa better job.
PayIf you dream of paying off debt, indicate the course very well in the field of employmentyou. Your trusted by employers that provide power.
BabyIf you dream of holding a baby will get marked with good fortune. When yousee the baby is born you will be active in a job that was unexpected and noconjunction with the lighting of your work. And if the dream to see the baby in the wombmother, marked the person hindering your efforts will go from you.
MaterialIf you dream of buying a building material clearly marked you will be fortunate in businessyour path.
CarcassIf you dream of carcasses that have been met with very smelly, bertand distress willbefall you in the matter of finances.
BalconyIf you dream of being there on the balcony, you will be marked with an argument with a friendor your family. And if you are there on the balcony but could not see anything, should be markeddicelakakan wary as you will by your friends when his andan do not know anything.
BalloonIf you dream to see the balloon or hold it marked something done andexpected to be less satisfactory.
BenchIf you dream of sitting on park bench disebuah, will meet with a markedfriends who had long parted with you. When you're busy to work in benches,undersigned will get a better appreciation of your employer.
BankIf you dream of being located within the bank will receive and deal with difficulties.
FloodIf you were watching a dream marked flood you will be blessed with fortune. But whenyou are overwritten floods, bad as it would address deficiencies. Your dream house flooded bersiratyou will be tired of the liver (annoyed, irritated, emotional soul).
PillowIf you dream you see marked with an embroidered pillow will be helped by the employer.
BullIf you dream to see the bull, the undersigned will get some joy.
ReadIf you dreamed of reading the holy book is a great advantage. Also if the dreamlearn to read, dream heard the voices of people reading a book, you will be marked with the understandingincreases.
StoneIf you dream of lifting the stone be brought back home, the undersigned will be luckygreat.
GravelIf you dream of playing pebbles marked distress will be reduced. And you willhappy if you are awakened by the sound of gravel.
GrilledIf you dream of burning the forest or the base, marked with your efforts will be successful. Particularlyin the matter of marriage and romance.
OnionIf you dream of eating garlic, marked you need to be careful because people will be cheated.
FreeIf you dream was acquitted by the court means that you can paralyzeall human beings who are suspicious of you and you can immediately work timesuccessful again.
PowderIf you dream of seeing and using the powder marked with romance and love you will be happy.
VelvetIf you dream of seeing or touching or lying on a velvet marked suatauexcited and happy life.
BelandarIf you dream of belandar or forked from collapsed houses, marked distress that wouldsuddenly.
BellIf you dream of hearing the sound of distant bells, marked what would aspired to be fulfilledand when the bell sounds near you will be marked with a sweet and slide in your mouthmay be losing money.
ExpenditureIf you dream you'll be happy shopping in the household.
ThreadIf you dream of entering the thread in the needle, if there is marked difficulty will comeease. Choosing yarn was a dream, marked happy to come soon.
FlagIf you dream and see the flag fluttering spikes, marked gains willcoming. But when the flag was just silent, marked a false report of a sudden dating but you do not believe it.
HateIf you dream of people hated khabar marked good will come to you.
FortIf you dream into a fortress, you will be marked with a sudden resentment.And if you see a castle corrected, would have marked a simple luck.If you dream you are there or near the fort be helped by your friends.Aid is primarily coming from the social and trade.
DisasterIf you dream of a disaster, it is marked as the opposite of your dreams.
BearIf you dream of being chased bears, less well marked you will be troubled by those whoconsidered a friend. But if you can avoid yourself or it will surely turn off biruanggot a good victory of your enemies.
PorchIf you dream of sitting on the porch of a house, especially with the princess, then youwith speedily married. But if you fall asleep diberanda, will address the difficulties youbut such a serious face.
FightIf you dream to see people fighting the road marked with your trade situation going forward.Was a fight that all children, address conflicts in the home (will) arise. AndIf the fight were the animals, marked from your wife's family was not happywith you.
SailIf you dream of sailing diair quiet, happiness will come address, was sailingdiair who shouted to the contrary.
BetIf you dream of your own or are looking to bet, you bind yourself in a markedan offensive personal pemufakatan.
NetIf you dream of cleaning the body, a very good sign that you are honest and well meaningand happy in life. You're a dream to clean other people's bodies, your addresswill have a new ambition that had been released. Dream house cleaning utensils,marked you will get high positions in society. And if the dream of cleanteeth, marked and you do not worry about the noise you are living now still giveshappiness.
RiceIf you dream of giving or throwing rice at your wedding will be markedmarriage (marriage) with immediate effect.
IronIf you dream of working the appropriate use of iron in the talent you have markedcarpentry to be developed.
UlcerIf you dream out ulcers (sores) pat on the head, marked with a dream will come and profitbodies full of ulcers marked the arrival of easy money.
CrocodileIf you dream up time or the crocodile into the water, your work will be markedsuccessful again. And dreams of seeing crocodiles crawling into your house, there will be markedlucky (lucky). While the dream to see alligators, there are marked with an enemy who secretlylurking about to harm you.
CradleIf you dream to see the baby in the cradle of the month, marked a success if the dream pekerjaan.Dantwins in the month of marital bliss address.
Urination / UrinaryIf you dream to urinate (pee) would have marked that struck a house that isthe thief would come. Beware.
Defecate / defecateIf you dream of defecation marked there will likely be missing something.Should be more careful.
GrapeIf you dream of picking grapes, have marked a high position, and if youmarked eat grapes you will receive an inheritance.
SingleIf you dream of a single or a daughter, a marked something that is only imaginary,like building castles in the air.
MindIf you dream within a dream virtuous are marked to be trusted colleague, but shouldbe careful because they have the background.
BookIf you dream to see people reading the book, would have marked a good boy, andif you own a read a book, you have a marked sense of culture (behavior,adab) which is very profitable.
HillIf you dream up the hill with great payag and finally reached above, markedyou hope will be successful (in finding a good job). And if down the hillmarked opposite.
OpenIf you dreamed of opening a cupboard or box, marked you need to be careful, because the secretstored will be known by your own negligence (jangn careless, haphazard).
MonthIf you bermimpikan moon or the sun falls, you will be marked with mourning or taken thethe liver.
EarthIf you dream that you can surround the earth is very well marked once foryour presence (the ability).
ParcelIf you have a friend coming bermimpikan a package, will find a markedhappiness on the way (well until the destination).
Bunting / PregnantIf you dream of your wife being pregnant is less well marked.
RiverIf you dream of overflowing river marked the work you tend to go forward and see the watersmall river, and clearly, will be marked with no small amount of money.
Rainbow / rainbowIf you dream to see a rainbow shining red, marked with a good, all thatyou want is likely to be achieved.
LipIf you dream of (women) look at her lips could address achieved its goals asMusician and or other artist. For men to be careful because the issue talkslip alone (can not talk of an ethical control). While dreaming (male orwomen) who see more sex lips well marked in the sex that she couldchoose the correct matching soul mate friend.
AngelIf you dream saw an angel flying over the houses marked with happiness whilean angel came bercapa a conversation with you no indication of the people will come andhanging out with you.
Booth / roomIf you dream of being located in the booth you will be marked with the ship (by friends willmake an effort to ignorant) resulting damage.
AnimalIf you dream to see the various animals must be marked with the address to yourwary toil which God willing will succeed.
StarIf you dream to see the stars of many different forms, it isa sign that all your needs will be met. This is also the address thatyou have worked hard. But let's not forget also the Almighty God. Insha Allah will be successful.
BlueIf you dream to see the blue colors around you marked with a kindness inthe family. And in love there Tumbi loyalty.
ViolinIf you dream you hear biaola be marked as soon as possible to takesection (quick decisions).
MuteIf you dream as if dumb, a sign that your words to my friendsless believable.
SpeakIf you're talking dream marked a very difficult problem you will faceimmediate right (do not be long).
DollIf you dream of playing with dolls marked with your household will liveharmonious with the children in good health.
BaldIf you dream of bald hairless or you will receive khabar markedworse.
BottleIf you dream of seeing or brings a bottle filled with anything your property markedincreases. While the dream of the bottle was empty, no marked difficulties vanish-vanishin trying anything.
BoxingIf you dream of being or seeing people berboxing boxing (boxing) and trade markedyou will experience a loss of income and hardship.
KillIf you dream of killing people, will be marked with a large fortune, you are killedpeople, less well marked you will be sickly.
InterestIf you dream of seeing or holding flowers marked with luck you will seein love (not sad heart). Dream pick flowers, meaning you will get peaceas preferred by many people.
FleecedIf you dream of meeting with the destitute, the undersigned will get a good pair,marked distress will capture the machinations of life. Dream look into the machinations of the well,marked struck lucky and dreams and snakes facing each address there will be profit.
SoundIf you dream of hearing a gun sounded, will rise marked degree.
BirdIf you dream to see birds flying, marked with your health care maintained and easy moneyhappy marriage. And the birds fly to your dreams, the undersigned will come giftyou in a calm and peaceful.
PeacockIf you dream to see the peacock marked will be helped by a mage.
Heron birdIf you dream to see birds flying egrets will sign you misspoke.
ParrotIf you dream to see parrots undersigned will meet women's banya berselisihan(You must be careful to address).
Bird turtledoveIf you dream of seeing and holding the bird or you will get the turtledove markeda good wife or child.
DoveIf you dream of seeing and holding a dove, or you will receive a letter marked.
CanaryIf you dream of singing canaries in the cage marked with happiness.
Bird PigeonsIf you dream of seeing and heard the dove, marked with your householdhappy, and feed him (the bird-red) you will be marked around the world topleasure and happiness.
EagleIf you dream of flying eagle marked with the work and effort you will succeed.
RavenIf you dream bendengar marked croak you'll feel the disappointmentin love, and if a crow sounds on the roof, there are marked khabar (news) evilsoon come to you.
SparrowIf you dream you see a sparrow or indicate that you know willtraveling far.
Bird KuauIf you dream of hearing or seeing marked pheasants you will receive an inheritanceor wang.
OstrichIf you dream to see the ostrich marked all the plans that have been raised (mature)will collapse (failure) of a sudden.
BlindIf you dream of as a blind person, marked you need to be careful in your workdo it now because there are less things that give confidence to you. And ifyou just saw the blind, the undersigned have a friend who immediately came requirehelp to you.
NeedIf you dreamed people need power, you should be more closely marked againin your life, there are elements-elements (view) around the affected neighborhood.Butin this case up from your wisdom on good days.

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