The Interpretation of Dreams N

ProphetsIf you dream to meet with the prophet Muhammad SAW, meaning you will getboth the glory and the next world, if it met the prophet Adam, peace be meaningfulgets the glory in the world and the hereafter, and all prayers will be granted. And if you see the prophet(Prophet for that matter) will come marked with the gift of God who would happy.When the meetingthe companions of the Prophet will be a psychic meaningful inner and outer sciences. Meet with theLovers of the prophet means guardian if you are studying will be successful.
DragonIf you dream to see the white dragon, the work will be marked down, while womendream to see the dragon, bersirat will get a wise child.
RiceIf you dream of eating rice will mean life or a strong and healthy and will not starve.
UpIf you dream of a boat ride with someone else will move significantly, a dream tripmany rose bersirat will advance in employment. Meaningful boat ride off the desire tohas long been conceived. Dream ride into the Holy Mountain to meet people, will be marked with kindness anddream up a tree, all what is wanted will happen. Dream up the sky, will bersiratget position. Dreams take the train or car means you will gethonor of the government or the public. Tiger or an elephant ride a dream means you willgets the glory or be promoted. Dream ride horses or camels, meaning you willup position. Dream up anything but after samapai above your means will fall againissued with respect of the proof is not you. Dream of riding a bike means you willhard to be careful.
CryIf you dream of crying with tears streaming down significantly, the provision will comebersar of money for you.
HellIf you dream to see hell, will experience significant distress meberi a raradifficult, is also a warning that your many sins, must immediately repent.
SleepyIf you dream of sleepy undersigned will acquire all of a sudden good fortune.
NginangIf you dream to see the nginang, marked will be difficult.
MosquitoIf you dream of being bitten by mosquitoes, marked will have trouble.
AloudIf you dream of hearing a loud voice, would have marked the guests who come fromaway or out of town.
ZeroIf you dream to see the number zero, marked you will be able to solve a problemdifficult so far.
NurIf you dream to see nur / light illuminated means a good dream.Luck will soon come up with not knowing the time.

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